Tuesday, October 4, 2016

When to Consider Buying a Brand-New Car

Buying a car can be a challenge even to experienced buyers. It takes a sound judgment to pick the car that is perfect for your transportation needs. Before you even go to the lengthy and complex process, you have to choose between a brand-new and a used car. Here are some of the indicators that a brand-new car is a better bet.

You Want an Untouched Warranty

Most cars, even the pre-owned ones, carry warranty. Some used cars, however, no longer carry warranty. The dealer may or may not even offer warranty after purchase and therefore force you to purchase one for a high cost. A brand-new car, on the other hand, will normally come with a comprehensive warranty, which usually covers three to four years of repairs and labor.

You Want Low Financing Rates

Taking out financing is a good option if you want to drive home the car you are buying more quickly. When buying a used car, however, financing may come with higher interest rates since the car in question has already been hit by depreciation. Financing programs for brand-new cars have much lower rates, but expect the total cost to still be higher.

You Don’t Want to Keep Fixing Your Car

While the cost of buying a used car may be cheaper, the repair and maintenance cost down the road can be humungous. To save money, you will have to engage in a lot of DIY repair work. That’s something you don’t want to keep doing if you are a busy person.

The reasons above are more than enough to consider buying a brand-new car. Just make sure to go to the right dealership to ensure that you will purchase the best unit.

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