Just because you have bad credit or no credit does not mean that a new vehicle is out of your reach. With a little planning and some hard work, you might be able to drive off the lot with a beautiful new car in as little as a few weeks.
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Even if you are eventually approved for a loan, you still need to have a sizable down payment. There is no set amount for how big the down payment should be, but most experts suggest around 20 percent. Those who have bad credit might need to go as high as 40 or 50 percent of the car's total value to ensure approval and more affordable monthly payments.
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Even if you are eventually approved for a loan, you still need to have a sizable down payment. There is no set amount for how big the down payment should be, but most experts suggest around 20 percent. Those who have bad credit might need to go as high as 40 or 50 percent of the car's total value to ensure approval and more affordable monthly payments.